Assisted Living

Assisted Living

'The Assisted Living Plate allows our guests to eat independently and with dignity'. With the growing demand for Assisted Living utensils and tableware, we have assembled a range of products

Harfield polycarbonate and copolyester tableware are the best value tableware on the market.

One of the many benefits of Harfield tableware is the fact that it is virtually unbreakable. This obviously makes it incredibly safe to use for both operators and consumers. No


As BREXIT now looms on the horizon, we believe that Remainers and Brexiteers alike understand the benefits that trade brings to the UK. Europe is our closest trading partner and

Helping you make the switch from single use plastics

One of the lesser known reasons to switch from single use plastics, and indeed choosing a local supplier, is to help reduce our carbon footprint. Choosing Harfield’s range of reusable

Happy New Year

With only a few weeks until BREXIT, Harfield have done all we can to ensure that there are no immediate delays to our production.

Harfield polycarbonate tableware, the greenest tableware available.

Plastics are in the news every day. Discarded plastic straws, stirrers, bags, bottles and much more are littering our oceans and our environment. Disposable plastics are due to be banned

The new reusable Harfield Coffee Cup has arrived

In the UK we get through 2.5 billion disposable coffee cups a year. The majority of these cups are never recycled. They are sent to landfill and the unrecyclable plastic

David Harrison

We are very sorry to announce the passing of our director, David Harrison, last week after a long illness.

Keep Hydrated with Harfield

Good hydration is vital for good health. 60% of the human body is made up of water and this water needs topping up through the day to replace the water